Walter F. March, 1898-l969. Architect, artist of many
different mediums: hand built ceramic pieces, carved wooden
sculptures, and crosses, mosaic crosses and table pieces,
one-of-a-kind commissions for churches, metal-work combined with
mosaics, and so forth. -Unusual, whimsical, finely designed pieces.
Born in Berlin, Germany. Youngest son of Otto March. Studied
with Frank Lloyd Wright in l925. Became an American citizen. Married
Louise Goepfert 1934. Designed Olympic Village l936. Came
to America l937. Worked on numerous building in the
greater New York area., including the Chrysler Building in New
York City. Beloved father of :George Otto March, Sophia
Kelly, Prita Maria Shortt, John March, and Sylvia March.
"Dann man gerade nue denkt, wenn, das woruber man denkt, man
gar nicht ausdenken kann."
Then only are we really thinking when the subject on which we are
thinking cannot be thought out.